Salmonella Enteritidis:

The detection of Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) in New Zealand chicken flocks has resulted in changes to the industry.  These have been managed under temporary measures, but now the legal and regulatory changes have been put in place the risks associated with SE in chickens are managed under Risk Management Programmes (RMP’s).

Risk Management Programme Templates:

MPI has just issued two RMP templates to assist the industry to meet the new requirements:

  1. An updated template for Egg Production and Rearing of Layer Chickens

  2. A new template for Production of Broiler and Layer Chickens, Day-old Chicks and Broiler Chicken Production

The key features are that all commercial producers of chickens (with more than 100 birds) must operate under an RMP that meets the current legislative requirements by 1 November 2023.

Both templates have been published with a detailed guidance section (at the start) that does not form part of the template.

Egg Production:

Previously only egg producers & processors (including other poultry species) required to operate under an RMP.   The previous Template which came into effect on 3 February 2020, covered only Harvesting, Candling and Packing Eggs.  It has now been updated to comply with the changes resulting from the regulatory re-design that have been rolled out over the last ~two years.  It also addresses the SE management requirements including:

  • SE management (previously a SE Management Clip On to the RMP)

  • layer rearing (previously required to be documented as an SE plan for rearing for operations where this was undertaken).

To accommodate the wider scope of the new template modules may be selected based on the activities of the operator to include:

  • Rearing of Layer chickens

  • Harvesting, candling and packing of eggs

  • Transport

Secondary processing (eg pulping) remains outside the scope of the revised template.

For those egg producers & processors who have a custom RMP / or custom sections, the relevant changes will need to be incorporated into their RMP by 1 November 2023.  So long as the scope of operations does not change, the RMP amendments are minor and MPI does not need to be notified.

Chicken Production:

Producers of broiler chickens, layer chickens and day old chicks must operate under a RMP which must be registered by 1 November 2023.

For operators who do not currently have an RMP, there are numerous steps required to become registered:

1.       Complete the RMP template (or write your own to meet the requirements).  If you write your own or include activities outside the scope of the template, you will need to have these aspects evaluated prior to registration

2.       Select a verifier (auditor) and have a letter from the nominated verification agency

3.       Complete the application forms (AP4, AP49)

4.       Apply for registration

These steps can take some time, so commencement as soon as possible is suggested to ensure it’s completed by 1 November 2023.

Where the template does not cover the scope of operations, or you chose to write your own RMP, these deviations must be evaluated prior to registration further extending the timeframe for completion.