For pre-packaged foods and beverages there are labelling standards that must be met. The requirements vary depending on the intended market and the particular product type. Meeting these standards is vital when creating your product, expanding into new markets, and ensuring customer confidence in your brand.

Compliance with the Food Standards Code (FSANZ)

We can advise you on a range of aspects around labelling, nutrition information panels and legal standards in order to comply with the code.

  • Nutrition information panel (NIP) 

  • Ingredient and sub-ingredient declaration

  • Allergens

  • Health claims

  • Food additives and processing aids

We have worked with retail products packed for foreign markets, including the US and EU, so if you have queries about meeting the labelling requirements for these markets, we are happy to discuss your needs.

Alcoholic beverages including beer, wine and cider have labelling requirements that are different from other foods and beverages.

Information that is presented on food & beverage labels, whether by way of text or images must not be false or misleading. It is important that you can justify any claims made or implied on your food labels.

Contact us if you want help developing a label or wish to have your draft label appraised.