MPI has updated the Food Control Plan template Simply Safe & Suitable S39-00004 to ensure that changes to legislative requirements are met by food and beverage businesses.  The template is now also easier to use and more technically correct.


Why has the Food Control Template changed?

There have been changes to regulatory requirements that means the templates needed to be revised to:

  • reflect FSANZ Food Labelling Changes (allergens and pregnancy warnings for alcoholic beverages)

  • meet the new recall requirements, including the requirement for simulated recalls

  • maintain consistency with the Water Services Act 2021

  • update formatting (page numbering, colours of cards, links between cards, provide more detail, make corrections)


When do the changes take effect?

New Zealand food and beverage businesses using Food Control Plan templates are required to update their food control plans.  The whole plan must be updated to the current version of S39-00004 by 20 February 2024.

Additionally there sections that must be updated by 30 June 2023 which is the date that Food Notice: Food Service and Food Retail Business Food Control Plan templates issued under section 39, takes effect.

The sections in all Template Food Control Plans required to be updated by 30 June 2023 are:

If your business uses the following cards, then these also need to be updated by 30 June 2023:

For businesses operating Custom Food Control Plans that utilise template sections, the individual sections must be updated as per the dates referenced above.


How can the changes be made?

Updates to the food control plan may be carried out by:

  • Printing the new Simply Safe & Suitable S39-00004 template (or relevant cards), completing the plan and replacing the previous cards.

  • Purchasing the new cards (links not active at the time of writing)

  • Going to the website page “MPI Food Safety Rules” and using the tool to customise the food control plan for your business.  This can be printed and completed.  (Note that at the time of writing, the MPI tool does not have the latest Simply Safe & Suitable template)

MPI has instructions for:

updating specific cards (by 30 June 2023)

updating your full template FCP (due by 20 February 2024)