Food and beverage businesses in New Zealand must supply products that are safe and fit for purpose.

Most businesses will have to comply with the food Act 2014, or the Animal Products Act 1999, and any subsidiary regulations and standards. In most cases this will include becoming registered, operating to a documented standard and being periodically checked by an approved verifier.


Food Act 2014 - National Programmes and Food Control Plans

This legislation is intended to regulate the trade of food in New Zealand.  It is structured to provide risk based controls: National Programmes for low risk foods, and Food Control Plans (FCP’s) for higher risk foods. If you have any concerns, we can: 

  • Advise which model is correct for you – a National Programme, template Food Control Plan or custom Food Control Plan

  • Assist in the identification of and controls of food safety hazards

  • Help you identify your record keeping requirements

  • Work with you to determine shelf life for your products

  • Upgrade from a template Food Control Plan to a custom Food Control Plan

  • Help you import foods

  • Carry out audits so you know how well your food safety system is working

Animal Products Act 1999 - Risk Management Programmes, Regulated Control Schemes

Primary processors of animal products, and secondary processors intending to export animal products with official assurances are generally required to operate under the Animal products act.

We have experience in writing and operating Food Safety systems under the Animal Products Act 1999 (Risk Management Programme - RMP; and Regulated Control Scheme RCS). If your business does not have a dedicated food safety team or employee, or you need additional resource to ensure you meet your food safety requirements, we will work in seamlessly with your organisation to help you achieve the requirements.

If you require assistance in any of the following areas, we can help: 

  • New RMP

  • New RCS

  • Significant amendments

  • HACCP Plans

  • Supporting Systems / Prerequisite Programmes

  • Exporting – country listings, OMAR’s, health certificates and E-cert

  • Support with preparation for MPI verification audits

  • Assistance to close out verification audit CAR’s

  • Operator verification – internal audits

  • Labelling

For support with any food safety and compliance issues you may have, contact us to chat about how we can help you.